Frequently asked questions.

Here you will find questions and answers to many of the most commonly asked questions. Please browse the FAQ’s and if you don’t see what you are looking for click here.

Q. Why won’t my doctor see me for an automobile injury?

A. Doctors may not receive payment for years, and sometimes litigation is involved. It’s simply the practice of many good, caring doctors to avoid these particular situations.

Q. What’s third party?

A. We define third party as an attempt to file on automobile insurance that doesn’t belong to you or a person you know.

Q. Do your doctors file third party?

A. Some do. Most others offer other options so you don’t have any out-of-pocket expense.

Q. The accident wasn’t my fault and I’ve been told I have to use my insurance. Why?

A. Third party claims can take years to settle and sometimes involve litigation. If this is your circumstance, you’ll be given a few options and this might be one of them.

Q. Will using my own Med Pay affect my driving record or premiums?

A. No. Your insurance company may and often does recoup their money from the at-fault insured.

Q. I’ve been hurt at work.  Can I file on my health insurance?

A.  You can if you didn’t file a workers comp claim.  However, a lot of health insurance will not pay for an injury received at work.

Q. Won’t my employer feel disgruntled if I file a workers comp claim?

A. Employers understand workers comp laws and most will want you to be taken care of and to return to work as a productive employee.

Q. Why won’t my regular doctor see me for a work-related injury?

A. In a nutshell, the paperwork is a nightmare. Doctors who take work-related injuries usually have specially trained staff members equipped to handle it.

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